Cyber Security Services

Samark Consulting is a premier provider of Cybersecurity consultancy services in the EMEA region. Our specialism focuses on providing consultancy around Cybersecurity Defenses. Our team will provide one or more consultants depending on the business requirements for improved defensive capabilities.

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Cyber Security Product Development

Samark Consulting is a company that can assist with the development of a new product stack and validate whether it meets requirements around confidentiality , Integrity and Availability.We are also well placed to assist with Alpha and Beta validations to help assess market fit. Please reach out and ask for more information. Read More


Samark Consulting through the label of Blue Teams Recruitment also focuses on the recruitment of contract and permanent staff for cyber security defensive teams. We perform continuous analysis of the marketplace and therefore are well placed to assist with the recruitment of your next cybersecurity warrior.Our experience of 17+ years in the Cybersecurity sector means we are well placed to assess whether a candidate will be a good fit. Read More

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Our registered office address

9 Bridge street

Walton on Thames

Surrey, KT12 1AE

Contact Us

Telephone number: 01932881095

Mobile number: 07500595813
